Tuesday, January 28, 2014

everything moved to our new place

 why do we have so much crap :)

our little family in December Brewer and Bryant side

Rebecca all dressed for the day

kayson holding his new baby sisters for the first time

Kayson loves his baby sister so much
 she is not to sure what she thinks about her brother
 almost a smile on her face
 dana and her friend
 Kindrea and Micha
 The kids acting out the nativity story on christmas eve

 family picture on christmas eve love this one
 Rebeccas baby blessing day with grandma nina and papa R
 mommy picture :)
 Kayson and his cousin Tryson
 Aunt Desi and Baby Rebecca
 my family
 kelsie jonny kayson tenna william dana rebecca
 aunt trina gracie and rebecca
 gracie and Rebecca
 amy and rebecca

 Alexis and rebecca
 Brewer family tea party
 five generation picture on the Bryant side